"At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective"

Without regularly checking in on how things are going and making small improvements, it’s pretty difficult to make big things happen. Retrospectives work best at set intervals.

retrospect.io is...

Work trough the retrospective while everyone on the team get live updates on their devices.


Mad, Sad, Glad? Start, Stop, Continue?, Smiley Faces? It doesn't matter. You can name the columns whatever you want.


Attend or moderate the retrospective session from either your computer or one of your mobile devices.


You can start for FREE, then move on to one of our paid plans as your needs grow:

All Inclusive
$9 /month

Invite all the people you want, help us keep the servers on.

As many Teams as you need

As many Users as you need

As many Retros as you need